Notes for Level Design
GDC 2016: 360 Approach for Open world Level Design
Eamples: AC & Farcry
- Define approach zones
- Add color to those zones for game design document.
- Distribute ingredients How to choos ingredients?
- First choose a dimension:
- Difficulty
- Mission Phase
- Gameplay focus
- Acrobatics
- Stealth
- Fight
- Emotional theme
- Narrative acts
List appropriate ingredients
- Get in the engine and adapt
- First choose a dimension:
GDC 2009 Hideo Kojima - Making the impossible possible
Impossible wall
- Possible: Done before / Experienced
- Impossible: Never Done Before / Inxperienced
- “Making the impossible possible” demands preconceviced notion be discard
The impossible wall in game design
- The foundation: Hardware and technology
- The software techinology
- Game design
GDC 2019 Level Design Workshop: The Level Design of God of War
Core pillars create focus - Conflicts and learnings: Puzzle can also help to train combat techniques Putting it all together
- Metrics based game (God of War) - Conflicts and learning: Shrubs may affect fail in edge detection
- Metric: A desgin measurement that communicates gameplay
- Metric emphasizing core pillars
- Building codes document
Achieving variety
All levels sell a theme - Conflicts and learning: Budget may be restricted / gamepaly may be repeated
All critical path levels unlock a new ability - Conflicts and learning:
Create format - Definition for format: The inisituive rules by which levels flow into one and another - Alternate term: The game’s structure - All games have some kind of format - Players can perceive sessions
Clear exploration breaks - “Shock Arrow”, “Key Point”, “Teach new ability” - Level to level flow
Hubs are not open world - Conflicts and learning: Gameplay may be repeated - Definition: A centralized location from which spokes emit (Spread from center)
- Hub Based Desgin
- Anatomy of a hub: Central Core, Spokes, End Point
- “Player always come back to the center”
- Hub Based Desgin
GDC 2016 Level Design Workshop: The illusion of Choice
- Paradox of choice
- Familarity breeds liking
GDC 2013: Ten Principles for good level design
- Good Level design is fun to navigate
- Visual Language: Direct player to the right path
- Clarity & Flow: E.g. Mirror of the edge
- Confusion is Good
- Good level design dos not rely on words
- The broken circle
- Three narrative typs:
- Explicit
- Implicit: Mise-en-scene / Environmental Level Design - Use environement to tell stories
- Emergent: Player choice E.g. Hitman
- Good level design tells plyer what to do but not how to do
- Nebulous objectives
Zhihu Live from Clark Yang
FFF - Form Follows Function
- Form follows function
- Definition: The form design must based on the functional needs
- Put functional needs first helps the designer to know the goal clearly
- Ideas and innovations wont be limited with the performance form
- It also helps for desgning a better form of art
Internal Kernal Rational Design
- Definiation: The most basic, elementary design in a game; Connect player to the game
- Kernal: The core, the abstratest elements of a game
- Rational: Not emotional
- Principle of Internal Kernal Rational Design: Form follows function
Create gameplay
- The funcitonal needs of gameplay
- Define the rules of the gameplay (Function)
- Define the skills/actions players can do (Function)
- Define the input of players (Function)
- Define the internal parameter (Function)
- Design level desgin model (Form)
- Desgin the reaction players would recevie (Form)
Example: The movement module and input module of a game.
Divide a game into smallest and deepest module when anaylzing a game
### Player skill != Character ablilty
### Player Skill:
- Physical skills
- Timing
- Player need to judge when and what input should to be taken during the gameplay
- Reflexion
- Player need to make the correct input command when an un predicted event happened
- Measurement
- Player need to be familiar enough with the input device, in order to control the input length and how much need to be input
- Accuracy
- Player need to make accurate input
- Stamina
- …
- Timing
- Mental skills
- Resource management
- Player need to manage the limited resource in game
- Tactic (In short term)
- Player need to make the right decision in a short/limited term based on the situation
- Strategy (For a long period)
- Player need to make a plan for a long term goal based on limited information
- Logic anaglyze
- Player need to gather the info and find the logic inside info, to make a good decision
- Association
- Obervation
- Focus
- …
- Resource management
- Social skills
- Coorperation
- Leadership
- Convence Ablity
- Communication
- Desisive
- …
Define the parameters based on gameplay mechanics
- Ignore the dispersed parameters
- E.g. A object move with a change in movement -> movement with low / high speed (IGNORE THE “CHANGE”, JUST “SPEED”)
- Reduce the number of parameters (2~6)
- Make the parameters abstract
- Focus on gameplay mechneics’ CORE
Let every single gameplay mechneic has it own parameter for controlling itself
- Think without form but the core inside a form; Do not put mind into a specific senario when desgining a game
Method to list parameters for a exsiting game
- From the internal: Think about the relationship between player’s skills and input.
Parameters -> Gameplay Elements -> Level Design Modular
Gameplay Element and Level Design Module
- Definition of gameplay element: Put the parameters together
- Definition of level design modular: Levels contains gameplay elements, combining them and use them to change parameters [System]
Player Mental Skill Focused Mechanics
- Oppotunity and risk
- Definition of Opportunity: Possiblity of positive result player received
- Definition of Risk: Possibilty of nagetive result player received
- Co-existing
Example: Resource Management
- Opportunity:
- Achieve a better goal under limited resources
- By resource management, player can have a 1 + 1 > 2 effect
- By making a correct choice, lose something to receive something
- Risk:
- Underestimate risk: Ingore the useful resources in the future
- Upperestimate risk: Miss the important resources in current
- Can not get the best result when manageing resources
Example: Anaylze Ability
- Opportunity:
- Understand the logic inside a game to achieve a better effect
- Predict the best movement which would affect future
- Solve the puzzle in best way
- Risk:
- One step wrong, every step may be wrong
- Wrong choice may bring deathful damage
- Use unnecessary, more resource to achieve better results
Example: Strategy (Long term)
- Opportunity:
- Faster than compititor
- Do th right choice in right time
- Risk:
- Misunderstand the info
- Waste of time and resource
- Bad strategy will ruin all the effect
Example: Tactic (Short term)
- Opportunity
- Catch the fleeting chance to make correct decision
- Use the random result as a benifit
- Risk:
- Miss the timing may bring damagable result
CHOICE is the key of Player’s MENTAL SKILL
Define parameter to control choice
- The poportion of the right choice (Level of difficulty)
- The total number of choices player can make
- The contrast between different choices (Clearity to determine whether it is a right choice)
- The time limited allows player to make choice